Knowledge Management: Organizing Knowledge Based Enterprises
Demonstrates how knowledge management can be used to enhance business processes. It focuses on the need to develop collaborative knowledge networks, which are increasingly global in nature and which support people with the technology needed to work across distance to foster the innovation needed to remain competitive in global environments.
₹5,499.00 -
Living Labour: Life on the line at Peugeot France
This book is an important and original account of life in the new lean production workplace – the car industry where it all began.
₹4,299.00 -
Look Forward Beyond Lean and Six Sigma
This book introduces the Look Forward approach to continuous improvement (CI). Look Forward is a management approach to CI that fosters an environment that infuses CI into the very fabric of the organization. As a result, improvement is not an initiative or a project but rather a natural occurring event that is anticipated, expected and prevalent. Look Forward is not a substitute for Six Sigma, Lean or Theory of Constraints (TOC), but rather is a necessary complement to each of these in order to assure self-perpetuating improvement that is ingrained in the corporate culture. It, in turn, needs Six Sigma, Lean and TOC methodologies to be the fuel for the improvement engine that drives the company forward.
₹4,299.00 -
Wall Street on Trial: A Corrupted State?
Wall Street on Trial: A Corrupted State breaks new ground by deconstructing the systemic flaws inherent in the model itself. It reveals that the ‘rotten apple’ theory, positing the problems in corporate America as merely the result of deviancy by an individual or a single firm, is an intellectual deceit not supported by the facts.
₹6,041.00 -
Local Government Financial Reform in Developing Countries: The Case of Tanzania
Poverty reduction on African continent represents a major development challenge. Since key government services such as basic education and health services are often delivered at the local government level, a successful poverty reduction strategy would be virtually impossible without the reform of local government finances. One big problem is that there is a lack of good examples of decentralization and local government finance reform in Africa.
₹11,199.00 -
Knowledge Flows in European Industry
The channels and mechanisms of knowledge flows define the links that make up production and innovation systems. As such, they relate directly or indirectly to all policies that affect such systems. Knowledge flows are also directly related to intellectual property protection policies and competition policies that create the infrastructure supporting various forms of formal interaction among economic agents in production and innovation systems.
₹15,750.00 -
Human Resource Management
The 11th Edition of Human Resource Management helps students understand and remember concepts through a straightforward and conversational writing style and a wealth of examples to clarify ideas and build interest.
₹16,450.00 -
Industrial Agglomeration and New Technologies
This book, a collaborative effort by researchers from Japan, Italy and the USA, seeks to explore the reasons for industrial clustering in certain regions of Asia, Europe and North America.
₹14,200.00 -
Motorsport Going Global, The Challenges Facing the World’s Motorsport Industry
This book provides the definitive economic study of the global motorsport industry. Drawing on a decade of research, and interviews with top industry executives and international commentators, the global grid of motorsport is analyzed and the world’s national motorsport industries benchmarked.
₹5,599.00 -
Entrepreneurship and Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy
The phenomenon of entrepreneurship has attracted researchers from a variety of disciplines and a diverse number of analytical approaches. Currently, there is a considerable amount of confusion and a variety of conflicting theories which are being used interchangeably and ambiguously.
₹18,450.00 -
Weygandt Kimmel Kieso Financial Accounting: IFRS Edition
For colleges and universities around the world, Financial Accounting IFRS, 2nd Edition by Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, and Donald E. Kieso, is designed to assist students learning accounting topics under the rules of IFRS. The book addresses every accounting topic from the perspective of IFRS and includes examples based on international companies. Following the reputation for accuracy, comprehensiveness, and currency, this highly anticipated new edition retains key features, such as the table of contents, comprehensive problem sets, and accuracy, on which users of Weygandt Financial Accounting IFRS have come to rely.
₹25,050.00 -
Markets, Deliberation and Environment
In this book, John O’Neill conducts a thorough examination of these two opposing viewpoints covering a discussion of the ethical boundaries of markets, the role of private property rights in environmental protection, the nature of sustainability and the valuation of goods over time.
₹6,199.00 -
Information Technology & Financial Services: The New Partnership
The development of new electronic “virtual markets” means that banks can now offer new and improved levels of customer service. Information Technology and Financial Services offers a thorough examination of the benefits that can be gained from the application of the new technologies to banking.
₹8,199.00 -
Metrics-Driven Enterprise Software Development
Almost every engineering discipline other than software has clear guidelines for measuring processes and products and making decisions based on quantified evidence.
₹5,999.00 -
Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital: Establishing a Field of Practice
Evidence in recent years of increasing interest in knowledge and how to manage it can be observed not only in the management literature but also in companies. The introduction of new views has taken place under headings such as knowledge management and intellectual capital.
₹12,150.00 -
Implementing Quality in Laboratory Policies and Processes
The book begins with a general introduction and overview of quality assurance and then moves on to cover implementation strategies. It contains best practices and templates for the project management of the design and implementation of the laboratory operational and technical manuals required to establish a quality assurance program. The templates span the entire project life cycle, from initiation, to planning, to execution, to monitoring, and finally, to closure.
₹97,599.00 -
Inspiring Leaders
We exist in an era of great change and widespread uncertainty in which course-determining decisions lie with organizational leaders; in this continually shifting climate we require their courage to take action. Billions of dollars are spent annually on developing leaders, yet despite these efforts, most organizations report a shortage of leaders – a leadership gap – and estimates of leadership failures approach fifty per cent.
₹5,650.00 -
Knowledge Sharing among Scientists: Why Reputation Matters for R&D in Multinational Firms
This study explores the relationship between social characteristics of scientists and the interpersonal sharing of technological knowledge. The findings illuminate attributes of reputation conducive to the voluntary transfer of timely, relevant, technological knowledge among individual R&D scientists in the same multidivisional, multinational firm.
₹11,199.00 -
Joseph M. Juran (Critical Evaluations in Business and Management)
For more than seventy years, the teachings and writings of Joseph M. Juran have had a profound impact on the quality of the products we buy and use everyday.
His pioneering work in ‘quality’ is heralded all around the world, and his ideas on total quality management center upon the role of employees, their involvement and empowerment.
₹50,450.00 -
Data Protection in the Financial Services Industry
Privacy and data protection are now important issues for companies across the financial services industry. Financial records are amongst the most sensitive for many consumers and the regulator is keen to promote good data handling practices in an industry that is looking towards increased customer profiling, for both risk management and opportunity spotting.