Molecular Cell Biology , 9th Edition

Achieve is Macmillan Learning’s complete online learning system. It houses instructor resources to support teaching and a range of interactive resources and the full eBook to help students succeed in their course. Access to Achieve for instructors is available on this page. Student access to Achieve could be through their institution if the institution has signed a license or as a separate student purchase. The instructor must set up a course for students to benefit from this product.

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New media and assessment features in Achieve include:

  • New Smart Biology Animations provide cutting-edge 3D tools for students to help them understand cell biology at a structural level. Based on data from the World Wide Protein Databank, these animations provide students with highly accurate visualizations of structures and processes. Twenty six animations are included in Achieve and include associated assessments that can be assigned and automatically graded.
  • Eight new In-class activities, along with revised classroom response questions provide support for an active and inclusive classroom.
  • LearningCurve adaptive quizzes provide formative assessments to help students prepare before class.
  • Case Studies and Analyze the Data Problems focus on real world applications.
  • Chapter Concept Quizzes provide easy to assign and automatically graded assessments.
SKU: 9781319365486
Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 28 × 22 × 5 cm
Book Author

Angelika Amon, Anthony Bretscher, Arnold Berk, Chris A. Kaiser, Harvey Lodish, Hidde Ploegh, Kelsey C. Martin, Michael Yaffe, Monty Krieger











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