World Class Sales & Operations Planning
The sales and operations planning (S&OP) process is a major baseline for high-performance companies because, when done correctly, it keeps supply and demand in balance at the volume and detailed mix level, integrates and builds teamwork between general management, sales, operations, finance and product development, and links the company’s strategic and business plans to its detailed processes and tools used to run the business on an hourly basis. However, due to a lack of state-of-the-art guidance, most firms still aren’t achieving the substantial end-to-end supply chain, profit and shareholder value improvements that this process can help deliver.
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Straight to the Bottom Line
“Straight to the Bottom Line provides a clear road map for increasing shareholder value. The authors detail the advantages of the theory but also show how this was implemented — with enormous benefits — by several different companies. Their examples can apply to any business that realizes the importance of building relationships with its various constituents.
“If you are a CEO, COO, CFO or CPO, you should read this book, before your competitors do₹3,850.00 -
The Quantum Leap: Next Generation
The Quantum Leap: Next Generation documents the forces shaping today’s demad-driven markets and equips organizations with the knowledge and insight to navigate the transition to Demand Flow Technology (DFT) – a unique combination of innovative management philosophy, revolutionary manufacturing practices, and flexible employees.
₹4,299.00 -
Best Practices Enterprise: A Guide to Achieving Sustainable World-Class Performance
This guide to achieving sustainable world-class performance provides guiding principles to senior executives and best practices to managers that, if fully embraced and implemented correctly, will transform most any firm into an organization capable of dominating its industry throughout the 21st Century. While there are many best practices that firms should consider in their efforts to continuously improve, there are seven best practices that are indispensable in this era of rapid change, increasing customer demands, and intense global competition.
₹3,850.00 -
Look Forward Beyond Lean and Six Sigma
This book introduces the Look Forward approach to continuous improvement (CI). Look Forward is a management approach to CI that fosters an environment that infuses CI into the very fabric of the organization. As a result, improvement is not an initiative or a project but rather a natural occurring event that is anticipated, expected and prevalent. Look Forward is not a substitute for Six Sigma, Lean or Theory of Constraints (TOC), but rather is a necessary complement to each of these in order to assure self-perpetuating improvement that is ingrained in the corporate culture. It, in turn, needs Six Sigma, Lean and TOC methodologies to be the fuel for the improvement engine that drives the company forward.
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Metrics-Driven Enterprise Software Development
Almost every engineering discipline other than software has clear guidelines for measuring processes and products and making decisions based on quantified evidence.
₹5,999.00 -
Global Sourcing & Purchasing Post 9/11
The events of September 11, 2001, have forever changed the dynamics of importing or exporting products into the United States. This privilege, which can be revoked for non-compliance, has been made dramatically more complex and expensive by the numerous new rules, regulations, laws and requirements of various agencies.