The First Book on Ultracold Molecules Cold molecules offer intriguing properties on which new operational principles can be based (e.g., quantum computing) or that may allow researchers to study a qualitatively new behavior of matter (e.g., Bose-Einstein condensates structured by the electric dipole interaction). This interdisciplinary book discusses novel methods to create and confine molecules at temperatures near absolute zero (1 microKelvin to 1 Kelvin) and surveys the research done with and on cold molecules to date. It is evident that this research has irreversibly changed atomic, molecular, and optical physics and quantum information science.
₹10,247.00Cold Molecules
Its impact on condensed-matter physics, astrophysics, and physical chemistry is becoming apparent as well. This monograph provides seasoned researchers as well as students entering the field with a valuable companion, one which, in addition, will help to foster their identity within their institutions and the physics and chemistry communities at large. Features a foreword by Nobel Laureate Dudley Herschbach.
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