Designing Mobile Robot Interfaces with 16-bit Microchip Microcontrollers
This textbook provides semester-length coverage of the basics of embedded programming to develop robotics-related projects. The author avoids the typical, theoretical approach of teaching students to develop embedded software using formal methods, in order to emphasize practical and fun projects.
₹7,150.00 -
IP over WDM by Kevin H. Liu
This is the first book to focus on IP over WDM optical networks. It not only summarizes the fundamental mechanisms and the recent development and deployment of WDM optical networks but it also details both the network and the software architectures needed to implement WDM enabled optical networks designed to transport IP traffic.
₹13,499.00 -
An Introduction to New Media and Cybercultures
This introduction to cybercultures provides a cutting-edge and much needed guide to the rapidly changing world of new media and communication.
₹4,099.00 -
QoS and QoE Management in UMTS Cellular Systems
This book sets out to provide state-of-the art advice on Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) in Universal Mobile Telecommunications (UMTS) networks.
₹13,499.00 -
E-Commerce – Fundamentals & Applications: Fundamentals and Applications
Provides an approach to the subject of e-commerce, with coverage of key technologies and ideas on integrating them into useful applications. This work provides coverage of the technical aspects of web-based e-business.
₹7,590.00 -
Space/Terrestrial Mobile Networks: Internet Access and QoS Support
Space/Terrestrial Mobile Networks Internet Access and QoS Support covers the design of a Global Mobile Broadband System (GMBS) based on the results of the European Commission’s Framework Programme 5 Information Society Technologies (IST) Project SUITED. Many of the latest concept in mobility solutions, network design techniques and internet technologies are presented. The SUITED project has addressed a number of technical issues that are very much state-of-the-art. The presentation of such material in the form of a design of a real network provides a unique source of information.
₹18,599.00 -
Next Generation Mobile Systems
What will the future of wireless communications look like? What drives mobile communications systems beyond 3G? In Next Generation Mobile Systems the authors answer these questions and others surrounding the new technologies. The book examines the current research issues driving the wireless world and provides an inclusive overview of how established technologies will evolve to suit next generation mobile systems. While the term ‘4G’ already dominates research in industry and academia, there are still numerous hurdles to take before this ambitious concept can become reality.
₹14,399.00 -
Network Security: Current Status and Future Directions
Network Security provides the latest research and addresses likely future developments in network security protocols, architectures, policy, and implementations. It covers a wide range of topics dealing with network security, including secure routing, designing firewalls, mobile agent security, Bluetooth security, wireless sensor networks, securing digital content, and much more.
₹12,550.00 -
Antennas for Portable Devices
This text provides a complete and cutting-edge guide to the design and engineering of small antennas for portable electronic devices such as cell phone handsets, laptop computers, RFID (radio frequency identification), microwave thermal therapies devices, wearable devices, and UWB-(ultra-wideband) based consumer devices.
₹13,499.00 -
Next Generation SDH/SONET
Since the turn of the twentieth century, telecommunications has shifted from traditional voice transport to data transport, although digitized voice is still a large contributor. Instead of an evolution of existing transport standards, a revolution was necessary in order to enable additional data-related transport.
₹13,050.00 -
Emerging Wireless LANs, Wireless PANs, and Wireless MANs: IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15, 802.16 Wireless Standard Family
A thoroughly up-to-date resource on IEEE 802 wireless standards Readers can turn to this book for complete coverage of the current and emerging IEEE 802 wireless standards/drafts, including: 802. 11 Wireless LANs 802. 15. 1 Bluetooth and 801. 15. 2 802. 15. 3 Wireless PANs 802. 15. 4 and 802. 15. 5 Wireless PANs 802.
₹14,550.00 -
Handbook of optical communication networks
Presents comprehensive information on integrated optical networks. This book provides technical information on various aspects of these networks, from their basic concepts to research-grade material, including future trends.
₹20,450.00 -
Integrated Photonics: Fundamentals
All integrated optical components and devices make use of “waveguides”, where light is confined by total internal reflection. The elements in such “photonic chip” are interconnected through waveguides, and also the integrated optics components themselves are fabricated using waveguide configuration, such as couplers, switches, modulators, multiplexors, amplifiers and lasers, etc.
₹13,499.00 -
Software Engineering for Image Processing Systems
Software Engineering for Image Processing Systems creates a modern engineering framework for the specification, design, coding, testing, and maintenance of image processing software and systems. The text is designed to benefit not only software engineers, but also workers with backgrounds in mathematics, the physical sciences, and other engineering disciplines, who find themselves working on a software project team.
₹9,079.00 -
UMTS Signaling: UMTS Interfaces, Protocols, Message Flows and Procedures
This completely revised and updated edition of the highly successful UMTS Signaling provides a deep insight into all aspects of UMTS signalling. The chapter structure has been reworked for improved “usability” for readers, as well as including many new features and updates.
₹16,850.00 -
Towards 4G Technologies – Services with Initiative
Find out how the exciting new developments towards 4G mobile services and technologies will put the user at centre stage. Towards 4G Technologies provides a comprehensive explanation of future networking and service delivering technologies for next generation mobile systems.
₹14,399.00 -
Wireless Internet and Mobile Computing
This book describes the technologies involved in all aspects of a large networking system and how the various devices can interact and communicate with each other. Using a bottom up approach the authors demonstrate how it is feasible, for instance, for a cellular device user to communicate, via the all–purpose TCP/IP protocols, with a wireless notebook computer user, traversing all the way through a base station in a cellular wireless network (e.g., GSM, CDMA), a public switched network (PSTN), the Internet, an intranet, a local area network (LAN), and a wireless LAN access point.
₹9,199.00 -
GPRS in Practice – A Companion to the Specifications
GPRS is now an established technology allowing packet-data access to the internet and intranets and it is expected that consumer demand for the service will continue to increase, especially when the higher data rates are made available.