Statistical Theory and Inference
This text is for a one semester graduate course in statistical theory and covers minimal and complete sufficient statistics, maximum likelihood estimators, method of moments, bias and mean square error, uniform minimum variance estimators and the Cramer-Rao lower bound, an introduction to large sample theory, likelihood ratio tests and uniformly most powerful tests and the Neyman Pearson Lemma.
₹3,990.00 -
Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
Now available with Macmillan’s new online learning tool Achieve, Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, 10th edition, prepares students for the application of statistics in the real world by using current examples and encouraging exploration into data analysis and interpretation. The text enforces statistical thinking by providing learning objectives and linked exercises to help students master core statistics concepts and think beyond the calculations.
₹7,766.00 -
Cluster Randomised Trials (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)
The authors also present an array of design issues in cluster randomised trials (CRTs), including strategies for minimizing contamination effects, the use of stratification and restricted randomisation to improve balance between treatment arms, special methods for sample size calculation, and alternatives to the simplest two-arm CRT. After covering analytical methods for CRTs, such as regression methods, the authors examine ethical issues, trial monitoring, interim analyses, reporting, and interpretation. Although the book mainly focuses on medical and public health applications, it shows that the rigorous evidence of intervention effects provided by CRTs has the potential to inform public policy in a wide range of other areas. The book encourages readers to apply the methods to their own trials, reproduce the analyses presented, and explore alternative approaches.