The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 32, National Defense, Sections 1-190, encompasses regulations governing various aspects of national defense within the United States federal government. Here’s an overview of what this CFR title covers:
- Military Organization and Administration: Regulations concerning the structure, organization, and administration of the United States Armed Forces, including the Department of Defense (DoD), Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant commands, and military departments (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps).
- Defense Policy and Strategy: Guidelines related to national defense policy, military strategy, planning, and operations aimed at ensuring the security and defense of the United States and its interests worldwide.
- Military Personnel: Standards and procedures governing military personnel management, including recruitment, retention, training, professional development, promotion, benefits, and military justice (Uniform Code of Military Justice – UCMJ).
- Defense Acquisition and Contracting: Regulations for defense acquisition, procurement of goods and services, contracting processes, contract administration, and compliance with federal acquisition regulations (FAR) within the DoD.
- Security and Intelligence Operations: Policies and procedures related to national security, intelligence gathering, surveillance, reconnaissance, cybersecurity, counterterrorism, and protection of classified information.
- Military Installations and Facilities: Guidelines for the establishment, management, and operation of military installations, bases, ranges, and facilities both within the United States and overseas.
- International Defense Relations: Regulations governing international defense cooperation, alliances, agreements, military assistance programs, and operations conducted in collaboration with allied nations and international organizations.
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