This new edition continues ITLS’s tradition of excellence to ensure learners get the most out of the few minutes they have to save their patients’ lives.
This goal is realized through a friendly writing style, content that reflects the important features of a modern introductory statistics course, an abundance of real data and biological applications, and a variety of pedagogical components to help students succeed in their study of biological statistics.
Endurance sports continue to grow in popularity, with millions of people participating in events each year. To sustain such prolonged activities, athletes need a high level of aerobic and muscular fitness that can only be achieved through a properly designed training program constructed to optimize endurance performance.
Across dance genres, the rigors of training and performing can take a toll on a dancer’s mind and body, leading to injuries. Dance Injuries: Reducing Risk and Maximizing Performance With HKPropel Access presents a holistic wellness model and in-depth coverage of how to reduce the risk of injury in dance and how to care for injuries properly when they do occur.
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