Natural Attenuation: Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds

Analysis of Intrinsic, Aerobic Bioremediation of TCE Using Basalt-Based Microcosms J. Meehan and R.L. Ely Nitrifying Bacteria as “Priming” Catalysts for the Biodegradation of Xenobiotics S. Chang, M. Hyman, and K. Williamson Anaerobic Transformation of TCE Driven by Organo-Silicon Compounds S. Vancheeswaran, L. Semprini, G. Pon, K.J. Williamson, J.D. Ingle, and P. Daley Assessment of Heavy Metal Inhibition of Reductive Dechlorination of Hexachlorobenzene W.A. Jackson and J.H. Pardue Attenuation of PCE

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Table Of Contents: Transformation Processes in Natural Attenuation Biodegradation Potential of DNAPL with Mixed Halogenated C2-Compounds J.J. Olie, M.J.J. Steeneken, and F.A. Weststrate Intrinsic Dechlorination of 1,2-Dichloroethane at an Industrial Site T.N.P. Bosma, M.A. van Aalst-van Leeuwen, J. Gerritse, E. van Heiningen, J. Taat, and M. Pruijn Modeling Bacterial Adhesion and Shearing in Porous Media N. Singhal and K. Odish Influence of Soil Organic Matter on the Fate of Trichloroethylene T.W. Sheremata, R.N. Yong, and S.R. Guiot Anaerobic and Aerobic Biodegradation of Chlorinated Solvents in a Freshwater Wetland M.M. Lorah and L.D. Olsen Increased Dissolved Barium Produced by Intrinsic Biodegradation of Organics D.P. Leigh, J.B. Maynard, and D.E. Jerger TCE Cometabolism by Ammonia-Oxidizing Biofilms Grown Under Near-Oligotrophic Conditions R.G. Johnson, B. Mobarry, C. Hageman, R.L. Ely, and L. Semprini

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 23 × 15 × 3 cm
Book Author

Godage B. Wickramanayake, Robert E. Hinchee











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