Topics in Disordered Systems
The emphasis is on questions concerning the number of ground states (at zero temperature) or the number of pure Gibbs states (at nonzero temperature). A recurring theme is that these questions are connected to interesting issues concerning percolation and related models of geometric/combinatorial probability. One question treated at length concerns the low temperature behavior of short-range spin glasses: whether and in what sense Parisi’s analysis of the meanfield (or “infinite-range”) model is relevant. Closely related is the more general conceptual issue of how to approach the thermodynamic (i.e., infinite volume) limit in systems which may have many complex competing states. This issue has been addressed in recent joint work by the author and Dan Stein and the book provides a mathematically coherent presentation of their approach.)
₹2,804.00 -
Stochastic Programming (Volume 10)
methods and applications of stochastic programming. The text is intended for researchers, students, engineers and economists, who encounter in their work optimization problems involving uncertainty.
₹19,950.00 -
Variational Problems with Concentration
The author explains new techniques in detail, and derives several numerical methods approximating the concentration point and the free boundary. The corresponding plots are highlights of this book.
₹12,155.00 -
Random Probability Measures on Polish Spaces
Further, the narrow topology is examined and other natural topologies on random measures are compared. In addition, it is shown that the topology of convergence in law-which relates to the “statistical equilibrium”-and the narrow topology are incompatible. A brief section on random sets on Polish spaces provides the fundamentals of this theory. In a final section, the results are applied to random dynamical systems to obtain existence results for invariant measures on compact random sets, as well as uniformity results in the individual ergodic theorem. This clear and incisive volume is useful for graduate students and researchers in mathematical analysis and its applications.
₹11,099.00 -
Projective Representations of the Symmetric Groups
After the pioneering work of Schur, little progress was made for half a century on projective representations, despite considerable activity on the related topic of linear representations. However, in the last twenty years, important new advances have spurred further research. This book develops both the early theory of Schur and then describes the key advances that the subject has seen since then. In particular, the theory of Q-functions and skew Q-functions is extensively covered which is central to the development of the subject.
₹16,959.00 -
Process Algebra for Parallel and Distributed Processing
Distributed SystemsThe next part presents a process algebra (mCRL2) that targets distributed applications, looks at how to turn prose descriptions into unambiguous specifications, extends pi-calculus to create a service-oriented mobility abstract machine, and introduces the Channel Ambient Machine for mobile applications.
Embedded SystemsThe final section combines state-based Z with the event-based process algebra CSP in a formal methodology called Circus. It also develops a pair of process algebras (PARS) to address the problem of scheduling in real-time embedded systems and emphasizes the reuse of concurrent artifacts across different hardware platforms.
Highlighting recent research work, this volume addresses multicore programming problems and the evolution of the growing body of concurrency-enabled languages. It proposes solutions to the problems of designing and implementing today’s concurrency-constrained multicore processor and cloud architectures.
₹13,750.00 -
Probability, Statistics, and Reliability for Engineers and Scientists
The third edition of this bestselling text presents probability, statistics, reliability, and risk methods with an ideal balance of theory and applications. Clearly written and firmly focused on the practical use of these methods, it places increased emphasis on simulation, particularly as a modeling tool, applying it progressively with projects that continue in each chapter. This provides a measure of continuity and shows the broad use of simulation as a computational tool to inform decision making processes. This edition also features expanded discussions of the analysis of variance, including single- and two-factor analyses, and a thorough treatment of Monte Carlo simulation. The authors not only clearly establish the limitations, advantages, and disadvantages of each method, but also show that data analysis is a continuum rather than the isolated application of different methods.
Like its predecessors, this book continues to serve its purpose well as both a textbook and a reference. Ultimately, readers will find the content of great value in problem solving and decision making, particularly in practical applications.
₹15,350.00 -
Your Turn exercises reinforce concepts by allowing them to see the connection between the exercises and examples. A five-step problem solving method is also used to help engineers gain a stronger understanding of word problems.
₹22,099.00 -
Numerical Sound Synthesis
Various advanced topics, such as the nonlinear vibration of strings and plates, are given an elaborate treatment.
Key features:
- Includes a historical overview of digital sound synthesis techniques, highlighting the links between the various physical modelling methodologies.
- A pedagogical presentation containing over 150 problems and programming exercises, and numerous figures and diagrams, and code fragments in the MATLAB® programming language helps the reader with limited experience of numerical methods reach an understanding of this subject.
- Offers a complete treatment of all of the major families of musical instruments, including certain audio effects.
Numerical Sound Synthesis is suitable for audio and software engineers, and researchers in digital audio, sound synthesis and more general musical acoustics. Graduate students in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or computer science, working on the more technical side of digital audio and sound synthesis, will also find this book of interest.
₹14,199.00 -
Optimal Control of Complex Structures
This volume contains original articles by world reknowned experts in the fields of optimal control of partial differential equations, shape optimization, numerical methods for partial differential equations and fluid dynamics, all of whom have contributed to the analysis and solution of many of the problems discussed. The collection provides a state-of-the-art overview of the most challenging and exciting recent developments in the field. It is geared towards postgraduate students and researchers dealing with the theoretical and practical aspects of a wide variety of high technology problems in applied mathematics, fluid control, optimal design, and computer modelling.
₹10,950.00 -
Niche Modeling
Above all, successful niche modeling requires a deep understanding of the process of creating and using probability. Off-the-shelf statistical packages are tailored exactly to applications but can hide problematic complexities. Recipe book implementations fail to educate users in the details, assumptions, and pitfalls of analysis, but may be able to adapt to the specific needs of each study. Examining the sources of errors such as autocorrelation, bias, long term persistence, nonlinearity, circularity, and fraud, this seminal reference provides an understanding of the limitations and potential pitfalls of prediction, emphasizing the importance of avoiding errors.
₹12,150.00 -
Nonlinear and Robust Control of PDE Systems
This book the first of its kind- presents general methods for the synthesis of nonlinear and robust feedback controllers for broad classes of nonlinear PDE sys tems and illustrates their applications to transport-reaction processes of industrial interest. Specifically, our attention focuses on quasi-linear hyperbolic and parabolic PDE systems for which the manipulated inputs and measured and controlled outputs are distributed in space and bounded.
₹11,215.00 -
Stabilization of Linear Systems (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications)
These topics are important in many applications of stabilization theory. We hope that this monograph may illustrate the way in which mathematical theories do influence advanced technol ogy. This book is not intended to be a text book nor a guide for control-designers. In engineering practice, control-design is a very complex task in which stability is only one of the re quirements and many aspects and facets of the problem have to be taken into consideration. Even if we restrict ourselves to stabilization, the book does not provide just recipes, but it fo cuses more on the ideas lying behind the recipes. In short, this is not a book on control, but on some mathematics of control.
₹12,155.00 -
Probability and Statistics for Computer Scientists
By the end of this course, advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students should be able to read a word problem or a corporate report, realize the uncertainty involved in the described situation, select a suitable probability model, estimate and test its parameters based on real data, compute probabilities of interesting events and other vital characteristics, and make appropriate conclusions and forecasts.
₹7,399.00 -
Solutions Manual to accompany Analysis in Vector Spaces
Additional topical coverage includes:
- Sets and functions
- Real numbers
- Vector functions
- Normed vector spaces
- First- and higher-order derivatives
- Diffeomorphisms and manifolds
- Multiple integrals
- Integration on manifolds
- Stokes’ theorem
- Basic point set topology
Numerous examples and exercises are provided in each chapter to reinforce new concepts and to illustrate how results can be applied to additional problems. Furthermore, proofs and examples are presented in a clear style that emphasizes the underlying intuitive ideas. Counterexamples are provided throughout the book to warn against possible mistakes, and extensive appendices outline the construction of real numbers, include a fundamental result about dimension, and present general results about determinants.
₹3,999.00 -
Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems with Random Structures
This high-level research text is recommended for all those researching or studying in the fields of applied mathematics, applied engineering, and physics-particularly in the areas of stochastic differential equations, dynamical systems, stability, and control theory.
₹21,880.00 -
Statistical Computing in C++ and R
The text begins with some basics of object-oriented languages, followed by a “boot-camp” on the use of C++ and R. The authors then discuss code development for the solution of specific computational problems that are relevant to statistics including optimization, numerical linear algebra, and random number generation. Later chapters introduce abstract data structures (ADTs) and parallel computing concepts. The appendices cover R and UNIX Shell programming.
- Includes numerous student exercises ranging from elementary to challenging
- Integrates both C++ and R for the solution of statistical computing problems
- Uses C++ code in R and R functions in C++ programs
- Provides downloadable programs, available from the authors’ website
The translation of a mathematical problem into its computational analog (or analogs) is a skill that must be learned, like any other, by actively solving relevant problems. The text reveals the basic principles of algorithmic thinking essential to the modern statistician as well as the fundamental skill of communicating with a computer through the use of the computer languages C++ and R. The book lays the foundation for original code development in a research environment.
₹10,050.00 -
Smooth Homogeneous Structures in Operator Theory
The author provides complete arguments for nearly every result. An extensive list of references and bibliographic notes provide a clear picture of the applicability of geometric methods in functional analysis, and the open questions presented throughout the text highlight interesting new research opportunities.
Daniel Beltitâ is a Principal Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.
₹13,750.00 -
For anyone who needs to learn calculus, the best place to start is by gaining a solid foundation in precalculus concepts. This new book provides that foundation. It includes only the topics that theyll need to succeed in calculus. Axler explores the necessary topics in greater detail. Readers will benefit from the straightforward definitions and examples of complex concepts. Step-by-step solutions for odd-numbered exercises are also included so they can model their own applications of what theyve learned