Essentials of Fuzzy Soft Multisets: Theory and Applications
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₹12,258.00 -
Essentials of Fuzzy Soft Multisets: Theory and Applications
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₹12,258.00 -
Essential Ordinary Differential Equations
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₹3,300.00 -
Ergodic Theory
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₹26,403.00 -
Equations of Mathematical Physics: Generalized Functions and Historical Notes
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₹12,258.00 -
Engineering Mathematics and Computing
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₹4,714.00 -
Engineering Mathematics and Computing
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₹4,714.00 -
Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics and Engineering: 7th International Workshop, ENGAGE 2022, Virtual Event, September 12, 2022, Proceedings
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₹5,186.00 -
Empirisches mathematisches Wissen in der Grundschule: Zur Spezifit-t von Wissensentwicklung in empirischen Settings am Ma-stabsbegriff
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₹5,287.00 -
Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions
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₹7,072.00 -
Elliptic Extensions in Statistical and Stochastic Systems
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₹4,714.00 -
Elements of Mathematics for Economics and Finance
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₹6,129.00 -
Elements of Applied Bifurcation Theory
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₹16,030.00 -
Elementary Functions
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Elementary Convexity with Optimization
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₹5,186.00 -
Elementare Algebra und Zahlentheorie
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₹1,762.00 -
Einstieg in die beweisorientierte Mathematik: Mit Versuch und Irrtum zum Beweis
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₹2,907.00 -
Einstein Constraints and Ricci Flow: A Geometrical Averaging of Initial Data Sets
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₹11,315.00 -
Einstein Constraints and Ricci Flow: A Geometrical Averaging of Initial Data Sets
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₹11,315.00 -
Einf-hrung in die Topologische Datenanalyse
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