Theory of Differential Equations in Cones
It presents theoretical approximation methods in terms of order relations induced by cones and shows the use of cones in investigating the theory of several dynamic systems.
₹4,799.00 -
Statistics: Concepts and Controversies 6th Edition
Featuring new coauthor, William Notz and new features, exercises, and applications, the sixth edition of Stastisics: Concepts and Controversies is ready to reveal the power of statistics to a new generation of students.
₹4,999.00 -
Stability Theory: Hurwitz Centenary Conference Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona
The book is an outgrowth of the international conference “Centennial Hurwitz on Stability Theory” which was held to honor Adolf Hurwitz, whose arti cle on the location of roots of a polynomial was published one hundred years ago. The conference took place at the Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, on May 21~26, 1995. This book contains a collection of the papers and open problem:; discussed all that occasion. Leading researchers from allover the world working on stability theory and its application were invited to present their recent results. In one paper the historic development initiated by Hurwitz’s article was discussed.
₹14,024.00 -
Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics VII: Proceedings of the Seventh Silivri Workshop
Professional mathematicians looking for an overview of the state-of-the art in the above subjects will find this book helpful. In addition, graduate students as well as researchers whose domain requires stochastic analysis will find the original results of interest for their own research. The organizers acknowledge gratefully the financial help ofthe University of Oslo, and the invaluable aid of Professor Bernt 0ksendal and l’Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications.
₹15,425.00 -
Solutions Manual for Elementary Linear Algebra
Dr. Andrilli’s other mathematical interests include history of mathematics, college geometry, group theory, and mathematics-education, for which he served as a supervisor of undergraduate and graduate student-teachers for almost two decades. He has pioneered an Honors Course at La Salle based on Douglas Hofstadter’s “Godel, Escher, Bach, into which he weaves the Alice books by Lewis Carroll. Dr. Andrilli lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia with his wife Ene. He enjoys travel, classical music, classic movies, classic literature, science-fiction, and mysteries. His favorite author is J. R. R. Tolkien.
₹7,999.00 -
Spatial Statistics
Case studies with real-life examples illustrate important applications of the models.
Topics covered in this book include:
- An overview of the geospatial information sciences and technology and spatial statistics
- Sampling methods and applications, including probability sampling and nonrandom sampling, and issues to consider in sampling and plot design
- Fine and coarse scale variability
- Spatial sampling schemes and spatial pattern
- Linear and spatial correlation statistics, including Moran’s I, Geary’s C, cross-correlation statistics, and inverse distance weighting
- Geospatial statistics analysis using stepwise regression, ordinary least squares (OLS), variogram, kriging, spatial auto-regression, binary classification trees, cokriging, and geospatial models for presence and absence data
- How to use R statistical software to work on statistical analyses and case studies, and to develop a geospatial statistical model
The book includes practical examples and laboratory exercises using ArcInfo, ArcView, ArcGIS, and other popular software for geospatial modeling. It is accessible to readers from various fields, without requiring advanced knowledge of geospatial information sciences or quantitative methods.
₹8,999.00 -
Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications III
The seminar focused on three topics: fundamental aspects of shastic analysis, physical modeling, and applications to financial engineering. The third topic was the subject of a mini-symposium on shastic methods in financial models.
₹12,154.00 -
Stable Solutions of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
For beginners, the book walks you through the fine versions of the maximum principle, the standard regularity theory for linear elliptic equations, and the fundamental functional inequalities commonly used in this field. The text also includes two additional topics: the inverse-square potential and some background material on submanifolds of Euclidean space.
₹17,999.00 -
Singular Loci of Schubert Varieties
The methods used include standard monomial theory, the nil Hecke ring, and Kazhdan-Lusztig theory. New results are presented with sufficient examples to emphasize key points. A comprehensive bibliography, index, and tables – the latter not to be found elsewhere in the mathematics literature – round out this concise work. After a good introduction giving background material, the topics are presented in a systematic fashion to engage a wide readership of researchers and graduate students.
₹12,150.00 -
The Gelfand Mathematical Seminars
An additional area of importance is noncommutative algebra and geometry, and its relations to modern physics. Distinguished mathematicians contributing to this work: T.V. Alekseevskaya V. Kac A.V. Borovik A. Kazarnovsky-Krol C.-H. Sah* M. Kontsevich G. Cherlin A. Radul J.L. Dupont A.L. Rosenberg I.M. Gelfand N. White The Gelfand Mathematical Seminar volumes stimulate the birth of significant ideas in contemporary mathematics and remain invaluable reference material. * indicates deceased contributor (Production: please ensure that appropriate symbol be incorporated onto the final back cover design)
₹7,756.00 -
Topics in Disordered Systems
The emphasis is on questions concerning the number of ground states (at zero temperature) or the number of pure Gibbs states (at nonzero temperature). A recurring theme is that these questions are connected to interesting issues concerning percolation and related models of geometric/combinatorial probability. One question treated at length concerns the low temperature behavior of short-range spin glasses: whether and in what sense Parisi’s analysis of the meanfield (or “infinite-range”) model is relevant. Closely related is the more general conceptual issue of how to approach the thermodynamic (i.e., infinite volume) limit in systems which may have many complex competing states. This issue has been addressed in recent joint work by the author and Dan Stein and the book provides a mathematically coherent presentation of their approach.)
₹2,804.00 -
Stochastic Programming (Volume 10)
methods and applications of stochastic programming. The text is intended for researchers, students, engineers and economists, who encounter in their work optimization problems involving uncertainty.
₹19,950.00 -
Variational Problems with Concentration
The author explains new techniques in detail, and derives several numerical methods approximating the concentration point and the free boundary. The corresponding plots are highlights of this book.
₹12,155.00 -
Random Probability Measures on Polish Spaces
Further, the narrow topology is examined and other natural topologies on random measures are compared. In addition, it is shown that the topology of convergence in law-which relates to the “statistical equilibrium”-and the narrow topology are incompatible. A brief section on random sets on Polish spaces provides the fundamentals of this theory. In a final section, the results are applied to random dynamical systems to obtain existence results for invariant measures on compact random sets, as well as uniformity results in the individual ergodic theorem. This clear and incisive volume is useful for graduate students and researchers in mathematical analysis and its applications.
₹11,099.00 -
Projective Representations of the Symmetric Groups
After the pioneering work of Schur, little progress was made for half a century on projective representations, despite considerable activity on the related topic of linear representations. However, in the last twenty years, important new advances have spurred further research. This book develops both the early theory of Schur and then describes the key advances that the subject has seen since then. In particular, the theory of Q-functions and skew Q-functions is extensively covered which is central to the development of the subject.
₹16,959.00 -
Process Algebra for Parallel and Distributed Processing
Distributed SystemsThe next part presents a process algebra (mCRL2) that targets distributed applications, looks at how to turn prose descriptions into unambiguous specifications, extends pi-calculus to create a service-oriented mobility abstract machine, and introduces the Channel Ambient Machine for mobile applications.
Embedded SystemsThe final section combines state-based Z with the event-based process algebra CSP in a formal methodology called Circus. It also develops a pair of process algebras (PARS) to address the problem of scheduling in real-time embedded systems and emphasizes the reuse of concurrent artifacts across different hardware platforms.
Highlighting recent research work, this volume addresses multicore programming problems and the evolution of the growing body of concurrency-enabled languages. It proposes solutions to the problems of designing and implementing today’s concurrency-constrained multicore processor and cloud architectures.
₹13,750.00 -
Probability, Statistics, and Reliability for Engineers and Scientists
The third edition of this bestselling text presents probability, statistics, reliability, and risk methods with an ideal balance of theory and applications. Clearly written and firmly focused on the practical use of these methods, it places increased emphasis on simulation, particularly as a modeling tool, applying it progressively with projects that continue in each chapter. This provides a measure of continuity and shows the broad use of simulation as a computational tool to inform decision making processes. This edition also features expanded discussions of the analysis of variance, including single- and two-factor analyses, and a thorough treatment of Monte Carlo simulation. The authors not only clearly establish the limitations, advantages, and disadvantages of each method, but also show that data analysis is a continuum rather than the isolated application of different methods.
Like its predecessors, this book continues to serve its purpose well as both a textbook and a reference. Ultimately, readers will find the content of great value in problem solving and decision making, particularly in practical applications.
₹15,350.00 -
Your Turn exercises reinforce concepts by allowing them to see the connection between the exercises and examples. A five-step problem solving method is also used to help engineers gain a stronger understanding of word problems.
₹22,099.00 -
Numerical Sound Synthesis
Various advanced topics, such as the nonlinear vibration of strings and plates, are given an elaborate treatment.
Key features:
- Includes a historical overview of digital sound synthesis techniques, highlighting the links between the various physical modelling methodologies.
- A pedagogical presentation containing over 150 problems and programming exercises, and numerous figures and diagrams, and code fragments in the MATLAB® programming language helps the reader with limited experience of numerical methods reach an understanding of this subject.
- Offers a complete treatment of all of the major families of musical instruments, including certain audio effects.
Numerical Sound Synthesis is suitable for audio and software engineers, and researchers in digital audio, sound synthesis and more general musical acoustics. Graduate students in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering or computer science, working on the more technical side of digital audio and sound synthesis, will also find this book of interest.