Border Ecology: Art and Environmental Crisis at the Margins
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₹10,372.00 -
Black Communication in the Age of Disinformation: DeepFakes and Synthetic Media
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹12,258.00 -
Beyond Shakespeare: Film Studies, Performance Studies, and Netflix
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹10,372.00 -
Between Laughter and Satire: Aspects of the Historical Study of Humour
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹11,315.00 -
Between Laughter and Satire: Aspects of the Historical Study of Humour
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹11,315.00 -
Bernard Shaw: Reimagining Women and Ireland, 1892?1914
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹10,372.00 -
Auswirkungen konstruktiver Nachrichten in sozialen Netzwerken auf prosoziale Verhaltensweisen
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹6,609.00 -
Auseinandersetzung mit Brecht: Theater machen im einundzwanzigsten Jahrhundert
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹8,812.00 -
Audio-Visuelle Tropen: Die Rhetorik von ?Nahrungs-Aufnahmen? im Dokumentarischen
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₹6,168.00 -
Asylum and Belonging through Collective Playwriting: “How much home does a person need?”
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹11,315.00 -
Art, Science, and Diplomacy: A Study of the Visual Images of the Macartney Embassy to China, 1793
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹10,372.00 -
Art Discovery and Censorship in the Centre William Rappard of Geneva: Building the Future
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹11,315.00 -
Architecture Inspired by Nature: Experimenting Bionics
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₹14,144.00 -
Arab Women’s Revolutionary Art: Between Singularities and Multitudes
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹9,429.00 -
Anthony Burgess, Stanley Kubrick and A Clockwork Orange
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹14,144.00 -
Anthony Burgess, Stanley Kubrick and A Clockwork Orange
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)
₹14,144.00 -
American Science Fiction Television and Space: Productions and (Re)configurations (1987-2021)
10-12 Days Shipping (Supply on Demand)