Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), presents in two comprehensive volumes a thorough discussion of the basic principles of the method, including important recently available data which can lead to a better characterization of the LIBS plasma. This extensive work contains detailed discussions on the lasers, spectrometers, and detectors that can be used for LIBS apparatuses and describes various instrumentation, ranging from basic setups to more advanced configurations.
As a modern resource, the work includes the newest advances and capabilities of LIBS instruments, featuring the recent developments of Dual-Pulse LIBS, Femtosecond LIBS, and Micro-LIBS as well as their applications. Throughout, the contributions discuss the analytical capabilities of the method in terms of detection limits, accuracy, and precision of measurements for a variety of samples. Lastly, an extensive range of applications is presented, including food technology, environmental science, nuclear reactors, nanoscience and nanotechnology, and biological and biomedical developments.
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