Advanced Probability Theory
This edition provides examples early in the text of practical problems such as the safety of a piece of engineering equipment or the inevitability of wrong conclusions in seemingly accurate medical tests for AIDS and cancer.;College or university bookstores may order five or more copies at a special student price which is available upon request from Marcel Dekker, Inc.
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Techniques and Practice of Chromatography
This work is intended for analytical chemists, laboratory technicians, and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in analytical chemistry or separation science courses.
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Practical Aspects of Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
The book concludes with physics applications of the ion trap, in particular, the Penning trap and the Paul trap.
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Practical Aspects of Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry, Volume III: Chemical, Environmental, and Biomedical Applications
Volume three, Chemical, Environmental, and Biomedical Applications, presents a coherent picture of research and applications in the ion trapping field. It examines tandem mass spectrometry, the principal mode of ion trap operation, where one stage of mass selectivity follows another in the same region of space. This volume discusses the fundamentals of ion trap theory, design, and operation; practical ion trap technology; applications involving small molecules; and the environmental and biomedical applications.
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The Total Quality Management Approach to It Security
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a comprehensive management philosophy and approach that focuses on achieving excellence in all aspects of an organization’s activities. It’s a systematic way of managing an organization that emphasizes continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and involvement of all employees in the quality enhancement process. TQM is often applied across various industries and sectors, including IT and IT security.