Java Design Patterns
The book also includes a chapter on FAQs on design patterns. Each pattern is explained with real-world examples and the pros and cons of each of the design patterns are discussed.
₹5,609.00 -
Optimizing Data-to-Learning-to-Action
You will learn how to systematically work backwards from decisions to data, estimate the flow of value along the chain, and identify the inevitable value bottlenecks. And, importantly, you will learn techniques for quantifying the value that can be attained by successfully addressing the bottlenecks, providing the credible support needed to make the right level of investments at the right place and at just the right time. In today’s dynamic environment, with its never-ending stream of new, disruptive technologies that executives must consider (e.g., cloud computing, Internet of Things, AI/machine learning, business intelligence, enterprise social, etc., along with the associated big data generated), author Steven Flinn provides the comprehensive approach that is needed for making effective decisions about these technologies, underpinned by credibly quantified value.