Enabling Strategic Decision-Making in Organizations through Dataplex
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₹4,941.00 -
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in Iceland
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₹8,784.00 -
Towards Social Justice in the Neoliberal Bologna Process
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₹8,235.00 -
Awakening the Management of Coworking Spaces
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₹8,235.00 -
Cutting Edge Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism
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Mobility and Inequality Trends
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₹9,882.00 -
Disability Welfare Policy in Europe
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Cooperatives at Work
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Resolving the African Leadership Challenge
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Disability in the Time of Pandemic
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Bleeding-Edge Entrepreneurship
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Sustainability and Social Marketing Issues in Asia
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Beyond Refuge
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₹8,235.00 -
Using Economic Indicators in Analysing Financial Markets
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₹9,882.00 -
Consciousness and Creativity in Artificial Intelligence
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₹4,941.00 -
Social Media Influencing in The City of Likes
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Social Management Responsiveness in Business
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Economic Policy Uncertainty and the Indian Economy
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₹4,941.00 -
The Spatial Grasp Model
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