Technology In Action Complete
The 15th Edition is a timely and essential update of everything students need to know about computer concepts. Through practical content and hands-on projects, it provides an engaging learning experience from one chapter to the next.
₹6,563.00 -
Information Systems Today
The Eighth Edition explores how the rise of mobile computing, cloud computing, social media, the Internet of Things, and Big Data affect information systems. Valacich and Schneider continue to use real-world examples to further illustrate key points and help students retain valuable insights.
₹6,891.00 -
College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences
The text is organized into three parts: A Library of Elementary Functions (Chapter 1), Finite Mathematics (Chapters 2-7, 14), and Calculus (Chapters 8-13). My Lab™ Math is not included. Students, if My Lab Math is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. My Lab Math should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
₹7,900.00 -
Communication: Principles for a Lifetime
The 6th Edition retains this successful five-principles framework, and adds updated content and a new learning architecture that better helps students build, and use, strong communication skills—in the course and beyond.
₹6,782.00 -
Introduction to Creativity and Innovation for Engineers
Similarly, they should draw on knowledge of conscious and subconscious thinking and view the brain as a muscle that can be continuously strengthened. Building on that “Neuroscience 101” foundation, the text prepares future and current engineers to work smarter–either as individuals or within teams and organisations–by generating and developing new ideas. The nine chapter structure uses clear objectives, many examples, and numerous exercises to explicate its methods, ultimately enabling students and practitioners to realise that they’re already capable of creative – innovative thinking. They only need to apply the 20 methods described in the book to unlock their brain’s natural capabilities and then produce creative-innovative results for their benefit and for the benefit of others.
₹7,985.00 -
The Late Objects Version begins with a rich treatment of procedural programming, including two full chapters on control statements and 200+ exercises. Keep Your Course Current: This edition can be used with Java SE 7 or Java SE 8, and is up-to-date with the latest technologies and advancements. Facilitate Learning with Outstanding Applied Pedagogy: Making a Difference exercise sets, projects, and hundreds of valuable programming tips help students apply concepts. Support Instructors and Students: Student and instructor resources are available to expand on the topics presented in the text.
₹6,150.00 -
Corporate Computer Security
This edition includes more of a focus on the business applications of the concepts. Emphasis has been placed on securing corporate information systems, rather than just hosts in general. Keep Your Course Current and Relevant: New examples, exercises, and research findings appear throughout the text.
₹8,150.00 -
International Business
My Management Lab for International Business is a total learning package. My Management Lab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program that truly engages students in learning. It helps students better prepare for class, quizzes, and exams–resulting in better performance in the course–and provides educators a dynamic set of tools for gauging individual and class progress.
₹6,850.00 -
International Trauma Life Support for Emergency Care Providers
This new edition continues ITLS’s tradition of excellence to ensure learners get the most out of the few minutes they have to save their patients’ lives.
₹6,672.00 -
Surveying with Construction Applications
The authors emphasize sound measurement technique and accurate documentation throughout. To overcome the limited math skills brought by many new students, they have added an easy-to-read math review chapter, preparing students for all relevant construction layout computations.
₹6,950.00 -
Mechanical Vibrations
In the Sixth SI Edition, several additions and revisions have been made—including new examples, problems, and illustrations—with the goal of making coverage of concepts both more comprehensive and easier to follow.
₹7,587.00 -
College Algebra
Students will find carefully placed learning aids and review tools to help them do the math.
₹6,699.00 -
Using Econometrics
This text also avoids complex matrix algebra and calculus. making it an ideal text for beginner econometrics students. New problem sets and added support make Using Econometrics modern and easier to use.
₹6,399.00 -
Workplace Communications: The Basics, Global Edition 6th Edition
The high quantity of examples, illustrations, and exercises emphasize practical applications to ensure the text is user-friendly. Workplace Communications is an ideal text to bridge business communication and technical communication courses.
₹7,250.00 -
Econometric Analysis
This text serves as a bridge between an introduction to the field of econometrics and the professional literature for graduate students in the social sciences, focusing on applied econometrics and theoretical concepts.
₹6,599.00 -
Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5
This text emphasizes hands-on practice through practice exercises within the chapters, end-of-chapter exercises, and the development of websites through ongoing real-world case studies. Reinforce Concepts with In-text Features: Throughout the book, emphasis is placed on web design, accessibility, and ethics. The appendixes in the Web Developer’s Handbook offer comprehensive, easy-to-use reference materials Enhance Learning with Instructor and Student Supplements: Resources are available to expand on the topics presented in the text.
₹6,699.00 -
Electrical Engineering
A multi-disciplinary effort at Michigan Technological University, with support from the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Engineering Education division, aimed to create a curriculum that (1) encourages students to pursue the life-long learning necessary to keep pace with the rapidly-evolving engineering industry and emerging interdisciplinary technologies, (2) maintains sufficient connection between the students’ chosen engineering fields and class content; and (3) motivates and excites the students about the importance of EE concepts to their discipline and career. The group’s curriculum reform efforts were informed by a nationwide survey of engineering schools. The survey outcomes were analyzed to fine tune different curriculum options for this course for different engineering disciplines, and then used as a layout to create a new textbook. This book’s diverse topics address the mixed survey response and allow it to address the needs of lecturers in different institutions worldwide.