Crossing Boundaries
Indeed, these articles demonstrate that crossing boundaries can be a companionable journey as well an intellectually enriching experience.
₹5,050.00 -
Creation, Publishing, and Criticism
This book will be of particular interest to students of Galician and Irish studies, comparative literature, women’s studies, and literary criticism. Both specialists in cultural analysis and the common reader will find this an enlightening book.
₹8,150.00 -
Retelling the Bible
This book presents a collection of case studies of biblical retellings in various contexts. Every section starts with an introduction presenting a brief overview of the field, the issues treated, as well as the nature and directions of contemporary scholarly discourse.
₹8,750.00 -
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies in Town Planning Law
Die einzelnen Kapitel des Buchs illustrieren die nationale Entwicklung und stellen einen einmaligen Vergleich des Planungsrechts vor dem Hintergrund der Erneuerbaren Energien und der Energieeffizienz in den verschiedenen Teilnehmerländern dar und erlauben es, die Fallstudien und Ergebnisse des Berliner Treffens einem breiten Fachpublikum nahezubringen.
₹5,199.00 -
The Storyteller’s Memory Palace
A practical method of interpretation is devised which provides the reader with direct access to a story by opening the door into the storyteller’s memory palace.
₹6,899.00 -
Large-area Effects of GM-Crop Cultivation
The book collects 30 contributions written by specialists in science, administration and jurisprudence from Europe as well as Africa, Central America, and Russia.
₹4,099.00 -
Towards Metadata-Aware Algorithms for Recommender Systems
This book reports several research gaps in metadata-aware RS algorithms.
₹4,250.00 -
Converged Network Service Architecture: A Platform for Integrated Services Delivery and Interworking
Convergence is undoubtedly revolutionizing communications technologies and businesses, merging networks of different types and origins. Hence, the future depends on the success of combining old and new solutions to serve new customer needs.