CE and CEC Review 2001
Both fields are increasingly employed in many areas of life sciences. CE and CEC use virtually the same instrumentation and complement each other. Consequently, the side-by-side use of both methods in research and routine laboratories will be on the rise. Therefore, there is currently a need for specialized books in CE and CEC to provide users with the latest development and new directions in both techniques.
₹6,900.00 -
Optimization Methods in Metabolic Networks
Explains the most efficient ways of formulating a biological problem using mathematical optimization
Reviews a variety of relevant problems in metabolic network curation, analysis and redesign with an emphasis on details of optimization formulations
Provides a detailed treatment of bilevel optimization techniques for computational strain design and other relevant problems
₹11,699.00 -
Modeling and Prediction of Polymer Nanocomposite Properties
Each book focuses on a particular topic and gives a balanced in-depth overview of the respective subfi eld of polymer composite science and its relation to industrial applications. With the books the readers obtain dedicated resources with information relevant to their research, thereby helping to save time and money.
₹15,050.00 -
Successful Project Management
Following PMI’s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) throughout, Successful Project Management: A Step-by-Step Approach with Practical Examples, Fourth Edition includes new material in every chapter, with revisions throughout the book reflecting the latest cost estimating and project management software tools.
₹10,599.00 -
Carbon-Centered Free Radicals and Radical Cations
This volume is essential for students or researchers interested in building their understanding of the role of carbon-centered radical intermediates in complex systems and how they may be used to develop a broad range of useful products.
₹15,399.00 -
Immunity to Parasitic Infection
For easy reference, the most commonly studied parasites are examined in individual chapters written by investigators at the forefront of their field. An overview of the immune system, as well as introductions to protozoan and helminth parasites, is included to guide background reading. A historical perspective of the field of immunoparasitology acknowledges the contributions of investigators who have been instrumental in developing this field of research.
₹8,800.00 -
Renewable Bioresources: Scope and Modification for Non-Food Applications
The latter part of the book concludes with a discussion on the uses for renewable materials such as carbohydrates, woods, fibres, biopolymers, lipids and proteins in different industrial applications, including a key chapter on the high value-added industries.
₹7,699.00 -
Sleep Medicine Essentials
Teofilo L. Lee-Chiong, M.D. is Head, Section of Sleep Medicine and Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver
₹11,700.00 -
The Ultimate Accountants′ Reference: Including GAAP, IRS & SEC Regulations, Leases, and More
The Ultimate Accountants’ Reference Including GAAP, IRS & SEC Regulations, Leases, and More, Second Edition updates you on the latest accounting regulations for all aspects of the financial statements, accounting management reports, and management of the accounting department including best practices, control systems, and the fast close. This is the perfect daily answer book for the practicing accountant.
₹11,550.00 -
Trust and Partnership: Strategic IT Management for Turbulent Times
Trust and Partnership provides unique insight into this relationship and provides a comprehensive framework for IT and business managers to maximize the business value delivered by technology. Going well beyond theory, the book provides real–world advice from experts in the IT management arena, including practical examples and implementation guidance based on proven techniques that have been applied over the course of the past twenty years.
₹6,850.00 -
Glial Physiology and Pathophysiology
Neuroglia oversee the birth and development of neurones, the establishment of interneuronal connections (the ‘connectome’), the maintenance and removal of these inter-neuronal connections, writing of the nervous system components, adult neurogenesis, the energetics of nervous tissue, metabolism of neurotransmitters, regulation of ion composition of the interstitial space and many, many more homeostatic functions. This book primes the reader towards the notion that nervous tissue is not divided into more important and less important cells. The nervous tissue functions because of the coherent and concerted action of many different cell types, each contributing to an ultimate output. This reaches its zenith in humans, with the creation of thoughts, underlying acquisition of knowledge, its analysis and synthesis, and contemplating the Universe and our place in it.
₹9,899.00 -
Essential Guide to Reading Biomedical Papers
Allows the reader to develop the necessary skills to properly evaluate research articles
Coverage of over 30 commonly-used techniques in the biomedical sciences
Global approach and application, with contributions from leading experts in diverse fields
₹4,699.00 -
Computational Methods for Large Systems: Electronic Structure Approaches for Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
There are a variety of computational methods to choose from to solve almost any electronic structure problem in nanotechnology and biotechnology, including problems involving complex systems with hundreds of thousands of atoms. This book presents the best and most useful of these computational methods, carefully explaining each one’s strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, a broad range of practical applications are developed and then demonstrated with the use of detailed examples, helping you choose the best method for your particular needs.
₹14,950.00 -
The Timid Corporation – Why Business is Terrified of Taking Risk
Is corporate risk becoming a thing of the past? Are organizations losing the opportunity to exercise risk due to increasing regulation and loss of public confidence? Ben Hunt addresses these questions as he explains how more long–term risk taking is needed in order to reap the benefits of forward–thinking.
₹6,904.00 -
The Innovation Wave – Meeting the Corporate Challenge
Innovation is one of those rare business topics that equally affects companies both large and small. Failure to innovate will ultimately lead to company failure while successful innovation marks out the successful companies of today and tomorrow. It takes an estimated 3000 raw ideas for one winning product to emerge in the marketplace.
₹6,450.00 -
Managing Service Level Quality: Across Wireless and Fixed Networks
QoS (Quality of Service) and Network Management are old topics. However, the fusion of IP style multimedia and wireless networks (3G) means that network managers who might previously have dealt with one or the other, must now manage and provide service guarantees for the both. This is where Managing Service Level Quality across Wireless and Fixed Networks steps in.
₹13,916.00 -
Bacterial Virulence: Basic Principles, Models and Global Approaches
Starting with basic principles, this reference and handbook discusses examples of the most advanced models of bacterial infection with regard to their value as paradigms to understand the molecular cross-talks between microbes and their host and tissue targets.
₹20,550.00 -
Wall Street on Trial: A Corrupted State?
Wall Street on Trial: A Corrupted State breaks new ground by deconstructing the systemic flaws inherent in the model itself. It reveals that the ‘rotten apple’ theory, positing the problems in corporate America as merely the result of deviancy by an individual or a single firm, is an intellectual deceit not supported by the facts.
₹6,041.00 -
Human Resource Management
The 11th Edition of Human Resource Management helps students understand and remember concepts through a straightforward and conversational writing style and a wealth of examples to clarify ideas and build interest.
₹16,450.00 -
Weygandt Kimmel Kieso Financial Accounting: IFRS Edition
For colleges and universities around the world, Financial Accounting IFRS, 2nd Edition by Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, and Donald E. Kieso, is designed to assist students learning accounting topics under the rules of IFRS. The book addresses every accounting topic from the perspective of IFRS and includes examples based on international companies. Following the reputation for accuracy, comprehensiveness, and currency, this highly anticipated new edition retains key features, such as the table of contents, comprehensive problem sets, and accuracy, on which users of Weygandt Financial Accounting IFRS have come to rely.