Mathematical Models in Population Biology and Epidemiology
Their role is fundamental to the study of ecological and demographic processes including the role of population structure and spatial heterogeneity — the subject of Part III. This book, which will include both examples and exercises, is of use to practitioners, graduate students, and scientists working in the field.
₹5,999.00 -
Mathematical Modeling with Multidisciplinary Applications
In addition, the book thoroughly summarizes widely used mathematical and numerical methods in mathematical modeling and features:
- Diverse topics such as partial differential equations (PDEs), fractional calculus, inverse problems by ordinary differential equations (ODEs), semigroups, decision theory, risk analysis, Bayesian estimation, nonlinear PDEs in financial engineering, perturbation analysis, and dynamic system modeling
- Case studies and real-world applications that are widely used for current mathematical modeling courses, such as the green house effect and Stokes flow estimation
- Comprehensive coverage of a wide range of contemporary topics, such as game theory, statistical models, and analytical solutions to numerical methods
- Examples, exercises with select solutions, and detailed references to the latest literature to solidify comprehensive learning
- New techniques and applications with balanced coverage of PDEs, discrete models, statistics, fractional calculus, and more
Mathematical Modeling with Multidisciplinary Applications is an excellent book for courses on mathematical modeling and applied mathematics at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. The book also serves as a valuable reference for research scientists, mathematicians, and engineers who would like to develop further insights into essential mathematical tools.
₹13,350.00 -
Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis
Whereas there are nowadays many books dealing with image processing, only a small number deal with image analysis. The methods and techniques involved in these fields of course have a wide range of applications in our daily world: industrial vision, material imaging, medical imaging, biological imaging, multimedia applications, satellite imaging, quality control, traffic control, and so on
₹18,850.00 -
Nonlinear Random Vibration
A special feature is its incorporation of detailed steps in many examples of engineering applications.
Targeted audience: Graduates, research scientists and engineers in mechanical, aerospace, civil and environmental (earthquake, wind and transportation), automobile, naval, architectural, and mining engineering.
₹13,750.00 -
Metaharmonic Lattice Point Theory
The author explains how to obtain multi-dimensional generalizations of the Euler summation formula by interpreting classical Bernoulli polynomials as Green’s functions and linking them to Zeta and Theta functions. To generate multi-dimensional Euler summation formulas on arbitrary lattices, the Helmholtz wave equation must be converted into an associated integral equation using Green’s functions as bridging tools. After doing this, the weighted sums of functional values for a prescribed system of lattice points can be compared with the corresponding integral over the function.
Exploring special function systems of Laplace and Helmholtz equations, this book focuses on the analytic theory of numbers in Euclidean spaces based on methods and procedures of mathematical physics. It shows how these fundamental techniques are used in geomathematical research areas, including gravitation, magnetics, and geothermal.
₹19,050.00 -
Mathematical Aspects of Pattern Formation in Biological Systems
Mathematical Aspects of Pattern Formation in Biological Systems will be of interest to graduate students and researchers who are active in reaction-diffusion systems, pattern formation and mathematical biology.
₹7,799.00 -
Lecture Notes on Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations
These lecture notes on selected topics in numerical methods for hyperbolic equations are from renowned academics in both theoretical and applied fields, and include contributions on:
- Nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws
- First order schemes for the Euler equations
- High-order accuracy: monotonicity and non-linear methods
- High-order schemes for multidimensional hyperbolic problems
- A numerical method for the simulation of turbulent mixing and its basis in mathematical theory
Lectures Notes on Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations is intended primarily for research students and post-doctoral research fellows. Some background knowledge on the basics of the theoretical aspects of the partial differential equations, their physical meaning and discretization methods is assumed.
₹15,350.00 -
Linear Mixed Models
The authors introduce basic theoretical concepts, present a heuristic approach to fitting LMMs based on both general and hierarchical model specifications, develop the model-building process step-by-step, and demonstrate the estimation, testing, and interpretation of fixed-effect parameters and covariance parameters associated with random effects. These concepts are illustrated through examples using real-world data sets that enable comparisons of model fitting options and results across the software procedures. The book also gives an overview of important options and features available in each procedure.
Making popular software procedures for fitting LMMs easy-to-use, this valuable resource shows how to perform LMM analyses and provides a clear explanation of mixed modeling techniques and theories.
₹7,500.00 -
Introductory Statistics
The realistic content of its examples and exercises, the clarity and brevity of its presentation, and the soundness of its pedagogical approach have received the highest remarks from both students and instructors. Now this bestseller is available in a new Fifth Edition.
₹10,399.00 -
Lie sphere geometry: With applications to submanifolds
The author surveys the known results in these fields and indicates directions for further research and wider application of the methods of Lie sphere geometry. Further key features of Lie Sphere Geometry 2/ Provides the reader with all the necessary background to reach the frontiers of research in this area; Fills a gap in the literature; no other thorough examination of Lie sphere geometry and its applications to submanifold theory; Complete treatment of the cyclides of Dupin, including 11 computer-generated illustrations; Rigorous exposition driven by motivation and ample examples.
₹4,207.00 -
Index Theory for Symplectic Paths with Applications
The applications of these concepts yield new approaches to some outstanding problems. Particular attention is given to the minimal period solution problem of Hamiltonian systems and the existence of infinitely many periodic points of the Poincaré map of Lagrangian systems on tori.
₹11,215.00 -
Invariant Descriptive Set Theory
The next part describes connections with the countable model theory of infinitary logic, along with Scott analysis and the isomorphism relation on natural classes of countable models, such as graphs, trees, and groups. The book concludes with applications to classification problems and many benchmark equivalence relations. By illustrating the relevance of invariant descriptive set theory to other fields of mathematics, this self-contained book encourages readers to further explore this very active area of research.
₹15,850.00 -
Numerical Analysis and Parallel Processing
There was also the opportunity for continuing individual research in the stimulating environment created by the presence of several experts of international stature. This volume contains lecture notes for most of the major courses of lectures presented at the meeting; they cover topics in parallel algorithms for large sparse linear systems and optimization, an introductory survey of level-index arithmetic and superconvergence in the finite element method.
₹7,350.00 -
Introduction to Option Pricing Theory
Subsequent chapters treat more specialized topics, including option pricing in discrete time, continuous time trading, arbitrage, complete markets, European options (Black and Scholes Theory), American options, Russian options, discrete approximations, and asset pricing with stochastic volatility. In several chapters, new results are presented. A unique feature of the book is its emphasis on arbitrage, in particular, the relationship between arbitrage and equivalent martingale measures (EMM), and the derivation of necessary and sufficient conditions for no arbitrage (NA).
₹12,150.00 -
Nonlinear H-Infinity Control, Hamiltonian Systems and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
As there is currently no efficient systematic analytical or numerical approach for solving them, the biggest bottle-neck to the practical application of the nonlinear equivalent of the H∞-control theory has been the difficulty in solving the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs partial differential-equations (or inequalities). In light of this challenge, the author hopes to inspire continuing research and discussion on this topic via examples and simulations, as well as helpful notes and a rich bibliography.
Nonlinear H∞-Control, Hamiltonian Systems and Hamilton-Jacobi Equations was written for practicing professionals, educators, researchers and graduate students in electrical, computer, mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, instrumentation, industrial and systems engineering, as well as applied mathematics, economics and management.
₹28,550.00 -
Lineare Algebra 2
Auch hier sind den einzelnen Paragraphen zur inhaltlichen Vertiefung und Ein??bung der Gegenst??nde jeweils umfangreiche Erg??nzungen und Aufgabensammlungen beigef??gt.
₹4,299.00 -
Lineare Algebra, Tl.1
Auch hier sind den einzelnen Paragraphen zur inhaltlichen Vertiefung und Einübung der Gegenstände jeweils umfangreiche Ergänzungen und Aufgabensammlungen beigefügt.
₹4,299.00 -
Introduction to the Theory of Inverse Problems
This monograph should be of value and interest to specialists in the fields of applied and computational mathematics, geophysics and differential equations.
₹9,000.00 -
Equitable Resource Allocation
The book presents a large variety of resource allocation models with special mathematical structures and provides elegant, efficient algorithms that compute optimal solutions to these models.
Authored by one of the leading researchers in the field, Equitable Resource Allocation:
- Is the only book that provides a comprehensive exposition of equitable resource allocation problems
- Presents a collection of resource allocation models with applications in communication networks, transportation, content distribution, manufacturing, emergency services, and more
- Exhibits practical algorithms for solving a variety of resource allocation models
- Uses real-world applications and examples to explain important concepts
- Includes end-of-chapter exercises
Bringing together much of the equitable resource allocation research from the past thirty years, this book is a valuable reference for anyone interested in solving diverse optimization problems.
₹11,899.00 -
Geometric Discrepancy: An Illustrated Guide
What is the “most uniform” way of distributing n points in the unit square? How big is the “irregularity” necessarily present in any such distribution? This book is an accessible and lively introduction to the area of geometric discrepancy theory, with numerous exercises and illustrations. In separate, more specialized parts, it also provides a comprehensive guide to recent research.