Between Europeanisation and Renationalisation of the Free Movement of Persons: A financial crisis-induced migration from Portugal to Luxembourg
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₹7,072.00 -
Berufsvorbereitung und Anschlussverl-ufe: Sichtweisen, Erfahrungen, Wahrnehmungen von jungen Gefl-chteten und Expert-innen
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₹5,728.00 -
Berlin Keys to the Sociology of Technology
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₹7,072.00 -
Being Bollywood: Postfeminism, Celebrity Culture and Femininity in the Global South
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₹11,315.00 -
Being as Relation in Luce Irigaray
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₹12,258.00 -
Being as Relation in Luce Irigaray
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₹12,258.00 -
Befristete Besch-ftigungsverh-ltnisse junger Erwachsener: Folgen f-r Partnerschaft und private Zukunftsgestaltung
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₹6,168.00 -
Becoming Adult on the Move: Migration Journeys, Encounters and Life Transitions
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₹11,315.00 -
Battles for Memory and Justice in Chile: Struggles for Remembrance, Legitimacy and Accountability
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₹12,258.00 -
Battles for Memory and Justice in Chile: Struggles for Remembrance, Legitimacy and Accountability
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₹12,258.00 -
Basic Income – From Vision to Creeping Transformation of the Welfare State
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₹6,600.00 -
Bangladesh-Japan Partnership: The Next Development Journey
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₹4,243.00 -
Autism: A Social and Medical History
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₹12,258.00 -
Atlas of Gender and Health Inequalities in India
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₹11,315.00 -
At some point there has to be peace and quiet!: Institutional struggle to working through the past of sexual violence and abuse of power at an institute for analytical child and adolescent psychotherapy
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₹9,429.00 -
Assessing Social Science Research Ethics and Integrity: Case Studies and Essays
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₹11,315.00 -
Ashes to Ashes, Spaceboy-!: Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die transkonventionelle POP-Theologie des David Bowie
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₹3,524.00 -
Art Work: Cities, Identities, and Cultural Work
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₹14,144.00 -
Armut, Ausgrenzung und die Neugestaltung des Sozialen: Die Lebensmittelausgaben der -Tafeln- in Deutschland
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₹6,168.00 -
Architektur, Atmosph-re, Wahrnehmung: Die r-mische Villa als Chance f-r das Bauen heute
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