Professionalisierung der Moscheegemeinden: Ausgangslage, Herausforderungen und best Practice Beispiele
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₹6,609.00 -
Professional Empowerment in the Software Industry through Experience-Driven Shared Tacit Knowledge: A Case Study from China
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₹13,201.00 -
Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym-21): Emerging Trends in Human Smart and Sustainable Future of Cities (Volume 1)
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Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym-21): Emerging Trends in Human Smart and Sustainable Future of Cities (Volume 1)
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₹20,745.00 -
Privatization of Early Childhood Education and Care in Nordic Countries
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₹10,372.00 -
Prioritizing the Environment in Urban Sustainability Planning: Policies and Practices of Canadian Cities
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₹3,771.00 -
Principles of Subjective Anthropology: Concepts and the Knowledge System
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₹13,201.00 -
Praxis der Sinus-Milieus-: Gegenwart und Zukunft eines modernen Gesellschafts- und Zielgruppenmodells
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₹3,524.00 -
Power and the People: The State and Peripheral Communities in the Russian Far North
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₹12,258.00 -
Power and Structure in Theater: Asymmetries of Power
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₹7,543.00 -
Potenziale entfalten und organisationale Routinen gestalten: Migranten als multikulturelle Individuen und interkulturelle Aushandlung in verschiedenen Organisationskontexten
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₹5,728.00 -
Post-digitales Management: Arbeit an den Schnittstellen einer Produktionsorganisation
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₹3,771.00 -
Post-Communist Transformations in Baltic Countries: A Restorations Approach in Comparative Historical Sociology
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Post-Communist Transformations in Baltic Countries: A Restorations Approach in Comparative Historical Sociology
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₹4,714.00 -
Populism and (Pop) Music
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Populism and (Pop) Music
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₹11,315.00 -
Population Health: An Introduction
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₹8,015.00 -
Population Growth and Sustainable Transport in China
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Population Dynamics in the Mediterranean: A Demographic Convergence-
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₹2,828.00 -
Politische und -konomische Rahmenbedingungen des Sozial- und Gesundheitswesens in der Schweiz: Eine Einf-hrung
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