Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB) : A Primer for Clinical Use

By (author)Critchfield

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Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB) helps clinicians and researchers make objective assessments of relationship patterns, and enables clients to improve their social interactions. SASB can help identify connections between clients’ current symptoms, and their current and historical relationship patterns. The SASB coding system serves as the basis for case formulation, which in turn informs the choice of interventions used in a variety of therapeutic approaches. SASB can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions, thus keeping therapy on track. This book summarizes over 50 years of research and clinical practice with SASB, and demonstrates how it can be used with any therapeutic approach. It has been traditionally used with patients who are comorbid, often rehospitalized, dysfunctional, and suicidal, although it can be used with any clinical population.