Recent Applications of Harmonic Analysis to Function Spaces, Differential Equations, and Data Science
Volume II is organized around the theme of recent applications of harmonic analysis to function spaces, differential equations, and data science, covering topics such as:
- The classical Fourier transform, the non-linear Fourier transform (FBI transform), cardinal sampling series and translation invariant linear systems.
- Recent results concerning harmonic analysis on non-Euclidean spaces such as graphs and partially ordered sets.
- Applications of harmonic analysis to data science and statistics
- Boundary-value problems for PDE’s including the Runge–Walsh theorem for the oblique derivative problem of physical geodesy.
₹11,219.00 - The classical Fourier transform, the non-linear Fourier transform (FBI transform), cardinal sampling series and translation invariant linear systems.
Partial Least Squares Path Modeling
The contributions from expert authors in the field of PLS focus on topics such as the factor-based PLS-PM, the perfect match between a model and a mode, quantile composite-based path modeling (QC-PM), ordinal consistent partial least squares (OrdPLSc), non-symmetrical composite-based path modeling (NSCPM), modern view for mediation analysis in PLS-PM, a multi-method approach for identifying and treating unobserved heterogeneity, multigroup analysis (PLS-MGA), the assessment of the common method bias, non-metric PLS with categorical indicators, evaluation of the efficiency and accuracy of model misspecification and bootstrap parameter recovery in PLS-PM, CB-SEM, and the Bollen-Stine methods and importance-performance map analysis (IPMA) for nonlinear relationships. This book will be useful for researchers and practitioners interested in the latest advances in PLS-PM as well as master and Ph.D. students in a variety of disciplines using the PLS-PM method for their projects.
₹14,959.00 -
The Measurement of Association
Unlike classical statistical methods, permutation statistical methods do not rely on theoretical distributions, avoid the usual assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variance, and depend only on the data at hand. This book takes a unique approach to explaining statistics by integrating a large variety of statistical methods, and establishing the rigor of a topic that to many may seem to be a nascent field. This topic is relatively new in that it took modern computing power to make permutation methods available to those working in mainstream research.
Written for a statistically informed audience, it is particularly useful for teachers of statistics, practicing statisticians, applied statisticians, and quantitative graduate students in fields such as psychology, medical research, epidemiology, public health, and biology. It can also serve as a textbook in graduate courses in subjects like statistics, psychology, and biology.
₹14,024.00 -
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance
₹8,639.00₹20,569.00Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance
The book covers a wide variety of subjects in actuarial science and financial fields, all discussed in the context of the cooperation between the three quantitative approaches. The topics include: actuarial models; analysis of high frequency financial data; behavioural finance; carbon and green finance; credit risk methods and models; dynamic optimization in finance; financial econometrics; forecasting of dynamical actuarial and financial phenomena; fund performance evaluation; insurance portfolio risk analysis; interest rate models; longevity risk; machine learning and soft-computing in finance; management in insurance business; models and methods for financial time series analysis, models for financial derivatives; multivariate techniques for financial markets analysis; optimization in insurance; pricing; probability in actuarial sciences, insurance and finance; real world finance; risk management; solvency analysis; sovereign risk; static and dynamic portfolio selection and management; trading systems.
This book is a valuable resource for academics, PhD students, practitioners, professionals and researchers, and is also of interest to other readers with quantitative background knowledge.
₹20,569.00 -
Groupes algébriques semi-simples en dimension cohomologique ≤2
The theory of algebraic groups over arbitrary fields is one of the most beautiful branches of modern mathematics. This monograph deals with semisimple algebraic groups over a general field k of separable cohomological dimension ^ to Bayer-Fluckiger and Parimala), and some perspectives are given on the remaining exceptional cases (e.g., G of type E8). Applications to the classification of semisimple k-groups are presented.
₹3,272.00 -
Delays and Interconnections
The contents are organized in three parts: Interconnected Systems analysis, Modeling and and Analysis for Delay systems, and Stabilization and Control Strategies for Delay Systems. This volume presents a selection of 19 contributions presented in the 4th DelSys Workshop which took place in Gif-sur-Yvette, France November 25-27, 2015.
₹11,219.00 -
Direct and Inverse Scattering for the Matrix Schrödinger Equation
The monograph introduces a specific class of input data sets consisting of a potential and a boundary condition and a specific class of scattering data sets consisting of a scattering matrix and bound-state information. The important problem of the characterization is solved by establishing a one-to-one correspondence between the two aforementioned classes. The characterization result is formulated in various equivalent forms, providing insight and allowing a comparison of different techniques used to solve the inverse scattering problem. The past literature treated the type of boundary condition as a part of the scattering data used as input to recover the potential. This monograph provides a proper formulation of the inverse scattering problem where the type of boundary condition is no longer a part of the scattering data set, but rather both the potential and the type of boundary condition are recovered from the scattering data set.
₹11,000.00 -
Continuous Nonlinear Optimization for Engineering Applications in GAMS Technology
Beginning with an overview of constrained nonlinear optimization methods, this book moves on to illustrate key aspects of mathematical modeling through modeling technologies based on algebraically oriented modeling languages. Next, the main feature of GAMS, an algebraically oriented language that allows for high-level algebraic representation of mathematical optimization models, is introduced to model and solve continuous nonlinear optimization applications. More than 15 real nonlinear optimization applications in algebraic and GAMS representation are presented which are used to illustrate the performances of the algorithms described in this book. Theoretical and computational results, methods, and techniques effective for solving nonlinear optimization problems, are detailed through the algorithms MINOS, KNITRO, CONOPT, SNOPT and IPOPT which work in GAMS technology.
₹10,099.00 -
Holomorphic Curves and Global Questions in Contact Geometry
The material is self-contained. It includes a number of technical appendices giving the geometric analysis foundations for the main results, so that one may easily follow the discussion. Graduate students as well as researchers who want to learn the basics of this fast developing theory will highly appreciate this accessible approach taken by the authors.
₹6,450.00 -
Series of Bessel and Kummer-Type Functions
The text is aimed at a mathematical audience, including graduate students and those in the scientific community who are interested in a new perspective on Fourier–Bessel series, and their manifold and polyvalent applications, mainly in general classical analysis, applied mathematics and mathematical physics.
₹4,599.00 -
Analysis of Operators on Function Spaces
The book is intended for all researchers in the fields of function theory, operator theory and complex analysis in one or several variables. The expository articles reflecting the current status of several well-established and very dynamical areas of research will be accessible and useful to advanced graduate students and young researchers in pure and applied mathematics, and also to engineers and physicists using complex analysis methods in their investigations.
₹7,350.00 -
Lattice Path Combinatorics and Applications
The recent investigation of Fishburn numbers has led to interesting counting interpretations and a family of fascinating congruences. Formulas for new methods to obtain the number of Fq-rational points of Schubert varieties in Grassmannians continues to have research interest and will be presented here. Topics to be included are far reaching and will include lattice path enumeration, tilings, bijections between paths and other combinatoric structures, non-intersecting lattice paths, varieties, Young tableaux, partitions, enumerative combinatorics, discrete distributions, applications to queueing theory and other continuous time models, graph theory and applications. Many leading mathematicians who spoke at the conference from which this volume derives, are expected to send contributions including. This volume also presents the stimulating ideas of some exciting newcomers to the Lattice Path Combinatorics Conference series; “The 8th Conference on Lattice Path Combinatorics and Applications” provided opportunities for new collaborations; some of the products of these collaborations will also appear in this book.
This book will have interest for researchers in lattice path combinatorics and enumerative combinatorics. This will include subsets of researchers in mathematics, statistics, operations research and computer science. The applications of the material covered in this edited volume extends beyond the primary audience to scholars interested queuing theory, graph theory, tiling, partitions, distributions, etc. An attractive bonus within our book is the collection of special articles describing the top recent researchers in this area of study and documenting the interesting history of who, when and how these beautiful combinatorial results were originally discovered.
₹12,154.00 -
Energy Markets and Responsive Grids
This volume will be of use to experts and newcomers interested in all aspects of the challenges facing the creation of a more sustainable electricity infrastructure, in areas such as distributed and stochastic optimization and control, stability theory, economics, policy, and financial mathematics, as well as in all aspects of power system operation.
₹18,699.00 -
Simple Relation Algebras
The book is written with a broad audience in mind and features a careful, pedagogical approach; an appendix contains the requisite background material in relation algebras. Over 400 exercises provide ample opportunities to engage with the material, making this a monograph equally appropriate for use in a special topics course or for independent study. Readers interested in pursuing an extended background study of relation algebras will find a comprehensive treatment in author Steven Givant’s textbook, Introduction to Relation Algebras (Springer, 2017).
₹12,154.00 -
Fundamentals of Advanced Mathematics 1
The book concludes with a study of modules over the main types of rings, the rational canonical form of matrices, the (commutative) theory of elemental divisors and their application in systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients.
- Part of the New Mathematical Methods, Systems, and Applications series
- Presents the notions, results, and proofs necessary to understand and master the various topics
- Provides a unified notation, making the task easier for the reader.
- Includes several summaries of mathematics for engineers
₹15,103.00 -
Information Geometry
This novel foundation then leads to application highlights, such as generalizations and extensions of the classical uniqueness result of Chentsov or the Cramér-Rao inequality. Additionally, several new application fields of information geometry are highlighted, for instance hierarchical and graphical models, complexity theory, population genetics, or Markov Chain Monte Carlo.
The book will be of interest to mathematicians who are interested in geometry, information theory, or the foundations of statistics, to statisticians as well as to scientists interested in the mathematical foundations of complex systems.
₹12,850.00 -
Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean
This book provides an overview of representative specific topics addressed by TRR 181, ranging from
– a review of a coherent hierarchy of models using consistent scaling and approximations, and revealing the underlying Hamiltonian structure
– a systematic derivation and implementation of stochastic and backscatter parameterisations
– an exploration of the dissipation of large-scale mean or eddying balanced flow and ocean eddy parameterisations; and
– a study on gravity wave breaking and mixing, the interaction of waves with the mean flow and stratification, wave-wave interactions and gravity wave parameterisationsto topics of a more numerical nature such as the spurious mixing and dissipation of advection schemes, and direct numerical simulations of surface waves at the air-sea interface.
In TRR 181, the process-oriented topics presented here are complemented by an operationally oriented synthesis focusing on two climate models currently being developed in Germany. In this way, the goal of TRR 181 is to help reduce the biases in and increase the accuracy of atmosphere and ocean models, and ultimately to improve climate models and climate predictions.
₹12,154.00 -
Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers
In addition, the book also includes advanced chapters dealing with recent developments in the theory of isotropic and anisotropic tensor functions and their applications to continuum mechanics. Hence, this textbook addresses graduate students as well as scientists working in this field and in particular dealing with multi-physical problems. In each chapter numerous exercises are included, allowing for self-study and intense practice. Solutions to the exercises are also provided.
₹5,500.00 -
Substitution and Tiling Dynamics
The main properties of tiling dynamical systems are covered, with expositions on recent results in self-similarity (and its generalizations, fusions rules and S-adic systems), algebraic developments connected to physics, games and undecidability questions, and the spectrum of substitution tilings.