We take pride in offering an extensive collection of educational materials from the following reputable publishers:

1.       American Psychological Association, USA

2.       Annual Reviews, U.S.A- (JOURNALS )

3.       Artech House, U.K (only Stock)

4.       Edward Elgar, U.K

5.       Edinburgh University press, U.K

6.       Elsevier  Science Publishing, U.S.A Including (Only stock)(Including)

·      Academic Press

·      Butterworth Heinemann

·      Morgan  Kaufmann

·      Pergamon Press

·      North Holland

·      Woodhead Publishing

·      Chandos Publishing

7.       Emerald Publisher

8.       Eurospan Group

9.       Greenwood Press, U.K(Including)

·      Praeger

10.       John Wiley & Sons, U.S.A(Including)

·      Jossey Bass

·      IEEE

·      V.C.H

·      Pfeiffer & Co.

·      Wiley Blackwell

·      Whurr Publications

11.   John Hopkins University Press

12.   Human Kinetics

13.   ICE Publishing, U.K

14.   Institution of Engg. & Technology, U.K

15.   Policy Press, U.K(Including)

·   Bristol University Press

16.   Pearson Global Editions

·      UK PTG(Professional Trade Group)

·      US PTG/ITP (Information Trade Group)

·      US Editions

·      Global Edition

17.   Pluto Press, U.K

18.   Royal Society of Chemistry, U.K

19.   Routledge (only stock)

20.   Rowman & Littlefield

21.   Springer International Pub, Germany: (Including)

·      Palgrave Macmillan U.K

·      Kluwer Academic Pub

·      Birkhauser Verlag

·      Apress

·      Humana Press

·      Physica-verlag

·      Springer SBM

22.   University of Chicago, U.S.A

23.   University Presses(Including)

·  Cornell University Press

·  Duke University Press

·  Fordham University Press

·  Indiana University Press

·  New York University Press

·  Stanford University Press

·  Rutgers University Press

·  Ohio University Press

·  University of illinois Press

·  University of Minnesota Press

·  University of Nebraska Press

·  University of Notre Dame Press

·  University of Pennsylvania Press

·  University of Texas Press

·  University  of Washington Press

·  University of California Press

24.   Verso, U.K

25.   W.H FREEMAN, U.K

26.   Woodhead Publishing India

27.   Yale University Press

If you have any queries or require additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our dedicated team is committed to providing the necessary support and resources to enhance the learning experience for your students.